Keep a modern home energy efficient

Climate change has altered the energy market in Australia in the recent years – and so has technology. Power consumption has increased with electronic appliances and communication devices becoming essentials and not just luxuries or mere ‘optionals’. But as you know, the challenge lies in the need to save energy more than ever as environmental issues arise.



The government has given Mandatory Renewable Energy Targets for states and territories -- up to 20 to 25 per cent by 2020. They’ve also introduced various programs to help everyone contribute to these efforts towards reviving the environment. Businesses and commercial establishments have been doing their part, too.


How about you: have you been doing your part in this endeavour? Or have you been thinking it’s too tough to do it because of all the conveniences your gadgets give you in your home?


Don’t worry. Here are three steps you can take without having to say goodbye to the comfort that modern technology provides.


Use microwave oven, slow cooker, and induction cooker


These modern kitchen wonders don’t just make cooking easier. They generally consume less electricity than traditional stoves and ovens powered by electricity or gas.


Read the manuals of your cooking appliances and even research on the Net about how and when you can use them best. For instance, a microwave oven is ideal when heating leftovers or small portions of food, but not when cooking or warming a whole platter.


Choose computers and Internet plan well


If possible, opt for a laptop instead of a desktop. The former consumes up to even less than 50% of the total power eaten up by the latter. And if you’re needing a portable computer to send emails, do presentations or use in meetings outside, you might even want to go for a tablet, which is usually even more energy-efficient than a laptop.


And if your home needs its own Internet connection, make sure you check out all the plans available in your location. See all the features of each option and weigh them all against how you’ll use the Net.

Choose that one that you can maximise and not just encourage you to be online all the time when you really don’t need to.


Just the same, have a WiFi router installed only when necessary. And while it doesn’t consume a big chunk of your power supply, turning it off when you’re away or asleep will still help you help save the environment and some money.


Buy appliances wisely


If you’re purchasing an air conditioner or refrigerator--which are two of the greediest appliances in terms of energy consumption--ask about one that uses inverter technology. This feature acts like a regulator of the machine, unlike the conventional ones that just runs almost full blast all the time. While you’ll find that inverter technology increases the retail price of the appliance, it helps you save on your electricity bills.


You should also check the Energy Rating of the item before you buy it. You’ll see a number and stars to represent the performance of the appliance when it comes to energy efficiency: the higher the number or the more stars, the more efficient it is.


These are uncomplicated pointers that will help you enjoy a home that uses all the modern conveniences that don’t raise the level of carbon footprint the whole world would want to erase. Following these suggestions will help you start and sustain a 21st-century home that’s eco-friendly.